Thursday, December 03, 2009

Memories of IT - Spring, 2000 - California, here I come

Suffice it to say that I and my employer of three years parted ways in early 2000.

Through a series of timely connections and circumstances, I found myself on the phone with a fine gentleman from northern California, and that’s really when I first leaned about DHL.

Eight years ago, DHL was almost unknown in North America (and as it turns out, may be unknown again in a few years). The man who called me, his name was Frank, and he was soon to become and remains a good friend. Frank was the chief (and lone) data modeler in the architecture area of a subsidiary called DHL Systems, located in Burlingame, California. Burlingame is of those smaller cities/towns that hug the west side of San Francisco Bay between San Francisco and San Jose, just below the airport.

The group was similar to the TD group I had been in at Crown, and they were looking for a person with data modeling and information engineering experience to work for Frank. They had been having a hard time finding someone (really!), and apparently were willing to reach out far and wide in their search, and I had been found. After a good first phone conversation, they booked me a flight to San Francisco to be interviewed by Frank, his peer managers and the overall director. This was my first trip to the west coast and California, so it had the feel of an adventure. DHL Systems was in an office building right on the Bay, and I was put up at the suites hotel right next door.

Then off to a morning of interviews, lunch with the whole team at a fine restaurant also on the Bay, then back to meet with HR, during which Frank and the Director, Dee, came in and offered me the job right there and then. I was surprised, but I think I managed to respond professionally, said thanks and let me go home and talk it over with the wife and I will let you know… but it was pretty much a done deal right there and then.

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About Me

Ontario, Canada
I have been an IT Business Analyst for 25 years, so I must have learned something. Also been on a lot of projects, which I have distilled into the book "Cascade": follow the link to the right to see more.